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Pyes Pa Reserve Cheyne Road Crossing

Address: Pyes Pa, Tauranga
Project Status: Complete
Client: Tauranga City Council

Project Overview:

The Pyes Pa Reserve project, being delivered on behalf of Tauranga City Council, is a crucial safety initiative designed to transform the local streetscape and create a safer environment for all road users.

Project Scope:

Works include the construction of a raised safety platform, accompanied by necessary road markings & signage, and supporting infrastructure. Environmental considerations are also factored into this project and include managing silt and sedimentation, controlling noise and dust for nearby residents, and protecting existing trees and vegetation during the construction phase.

Community Benefits:

This project aims to create a safer, more inclusive street environment for all users. By prioritising pedestrian and cyclist safety, it encourages active transport, strengthens community connections, and enhances the overall quality of life in the Pyes Pa area.